Caring for Air Plants in the Winter Months

Jan 7, 2020by Jamie Beck



In the colder months, we begin to turn on heaters, bundle up, and enjoy the coziness of the season. But what about your air plants? Do they need extra care? 

We like to adjust our air plant care regimen to fit our environment, which includes temperature and humidity, as well as what type of plant that you are caring for. Keeping track of seasonal changes is a big part of keeping your air plants alive and thriving. 


Tillandsia duratii air plant growing outside

Temperature: If you live in a part of the country that has temperatures that drop below 50 degrees you will want to make sure that none of your air plants are left outside. While some varieties can withstand lower temperatures, it is better to be safe rather than let your plants get too cold.  Since air plants are tropical plants, most prefer temperatures between 50-90 degrees. If you do bring them inside, be sure that they are still getting enough light and water to thrive.

Tillandsia ionantha guatemala outside on rack

Humidity: In the cooler months, there is a lack of humidity in the air due to the use of heaters. Be sure that your plants are sufficiently watered at least once a week. If you are soaking them, allow them to dry in a warm place for at least 4 hours to be sure that they are completely dry before placing them back in their terrariums. Heaters also can dry out your plants, so you might need to mist them in between waterings to ensure that they are getting enough moisture to survive. 

If you live in a drier climate, you may find that your air plants need to be watered more frequently in the colder months. Even in Florida, where we get more mild cold temperatures, we monitor our plants daily to ensure that they are getting adequate water, even when it is cold outside. 


Tillandsia ioanntha clump on driftwood

Air Circulation: An easy way to kill your plants is to display them too close to an air/ heater vent or too close to a cold or drafty window. While we enjoy the warm air from a heater, excessive heat can dry out your plants. Also being too close to a cold window can shock your plants and may cause them to die as well. As always, don’t leave air plants in a closed off terrarium where they don’t get adequate air flow. 


Rustic Tillandsia air plant terrarium

Light: Bright light can be harder to find in the shorter days of the year, but just make sure that your air plants are still getting sufficient indirect light. Artificial light can be a sufficient source, as long as the plants are not too far from the light and receive adequate amounts per day.


Tillandsia air plants in sunlight

We hope that you stay warm and cozy this Winter season, and that your air plants continue to grow and thrive. If you have any questions about plant care, email us, we are always happy to help! 

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